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Huawei to aid African tower companies to reduce carbon footprint

NAIROBI, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) — Chinese telecoms company Huawei will support the efforts of Africa’s tower companies (TowerCos) to diversify their energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint, a senior executive said Wednesday at a forum in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital.
Li Shaolong, president of Huawei Site Power Facility Domain, stressed that tower companies play a crucial role in establishing digital infrastructure in Africa, which highlights the importance of rallying behind their green ambitions.
“As the demand for mobile connectivity continues to rise, TowerCos face increasing pressure to ensure energy reliability and sustainability, particularly in regions with limited access to stable power grids,” Li said.
Tower sites, according to Li, are often located in remote areas and heavily rely on diesel generators that are costly to operate, vulnerable to fuel supply disruptions, and harmful to the environment by emitting massive greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
“Huawei’s energy solutions are designed to address these challenges by integrating renewable energy technologies such as solar power and advanced energy storage systems,” Li said.
He emphasized Huawei’s long-term goal to help Africa’s tower companies transition to green energy solutions, adding that Huawei will provide the continent’s tower companies with end-to-end energy infrastructure alongside intelligent operations and maintenance solutions.
Through sustained energy diversification, African tower companies will explore new business models and expand their revenue streams, according to Li.
He observed that by deploying Huawei’s smart power solution, tower companies can centrally manage multiple energy inputs and outputs through a single power platform.
The core aims of Huawei Site Power Facility, according to Li, are to support network evolution, increase the tenancy ratio, help tower companies reduce energy costs, and hasten green development.
He said Huawei will enhance the partnership with Africa’s tower companies to innovate and align their energy infrastructure with a green ethos. ■
